Everyone wants to live their best possible life, and the aim of Project Bold Life–both this site and the book–is to help people set and achieve the kinds of Bold Goals that would make for a truly Bold Life. (Have you checked out the book, Project Bold Life: The Proven Formula to Take on Challenges and Achieve Happiness and Success? Get the acclaimed book on Amazon or download a free first chapter here!)
Author Ed Kopko, when not posting accounts of his year-long meditation streaks and the value meditation has for families here, also publishes a newsletter called “Notes From Ed”. Some of these Notes contain personal news (media appearances, accomplishes, etc.), but most break down different aspects of goal-setting and goal achievement. Here a few more “notable” Notes:
On the Important Difference Between ‘What’ and ‘How’
Think you know the difference between “what” and “how”? Well, you probably do in the grammatical sense, but when it comes to goal-setting, most people people get it wrong.
Mastering the nuances and subtle interactions between “whats” and “hows” can make a difference in your world. In fact, that mastery can make you an expert at effective goal-setting. …There are many hows, some more extreme than others, and also with different timeframes for results. Honest people can disagree or be confused by the choices of how, or have different personal preferences as to which one they want to do. Yet they can still agree that the what is a good idea.
A lack of mastery over these two terms (in addition to personal preferences) have given rise to a lot of conflict in the world, including–and maybe especially–political fights. Whats are generally easier to understand, but those hows… they can present so many confusing options, as well as confusing opinions!
Read more about the difference between “what” and “how” in this Notes From Ed!
On the Three Key Steps for Goal Success
When it comes to setting goals, skip the popular advice and don’t just do it. Instead, follow these three steps to maximize your chances for success:
I promised to share the three key steps to follow to improve your chances of goal success this week and provide more detail on why “just do it” is wrong. So what are the three steps and why are they important?
Let’s start with the steps that confirmed science says are vital to increasing your chances of success:
- (Create A Bold Plan) Create a proper action plan and a clear inspiring goal
- (Build a Commitment Team) Ask one or more people if they would support you in achieving your goal.
- (Schedule An Accountability Appointment.) Make an accountability appointment with someone on your commitment team.
Why are all three of these steps crucial?
On Falling Off Your Horse and Getting Back On
No matter how well-thought-out and executed your plan, there is always the looming specter of failure. What to do when that happens?
It’s February, which means that many people who made New Year’s Resolutions and big goals for 2021 might be falling off their horse right about now. It’s sad, but it’s the truth. And as we discussed previously, that failure can stem from a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that they jumped right in instead of taking the proper steps to increase their chances of success.
Remember: you need more than just a resolution or goal. You need to know your “why”, you need an action plan, and you need your Commitment Team and Accountability Appointment.
As I discuss in my book, those last two things–the Commitment Team and Accountability Appointment–comprise your Fall off the Horse Plan.
Read more about the Fall Off the Horse Plan in this Notes From Ed installment!