The leaves are turning, and the temperatures are getting cooler. The scent of fall is in the air. For any other year, these familiar changes of autumn would offer a sense of normalcy as the seasons change. They would invite a number of traditional autumn activities. But it’s 2020, and nothing is really as it seems. For many places, there will be no trick or treating during COVID. In others, children will go door-to-door with a great deal of caution. Either way, it’s important to know essential Halloween safety tips to keep you heathy and well. Whether you stay at home or venture out, there some important rules you should follow.

Halloween Safety Tips for the Trick or Treater
Even if you’re not trick or treating during COVID, there are several best practices you need to consider. Even if at home, little ghouls and goblins may come calling. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to know the do’s and don’ts when it comes to Halloween safety tips.
- Wear a Real Mask – One of the best Halloween safety tips is the same as one for every day…wear a proper face mask. Costume masks generally don’t count when it comes to proper protection. But using a decorative cloth face mask as part of a costume is a great alternative. In general, it is also not a good idea to wear a face mask underneath a costume. This could make it more difficult to breath, which would make for a very unpleasant trick or treating experience.
- Social Distancing Is a Must – Trick or treating during COVID naturally requires social distancing no matter what activity you’re enjoying. Even if your trunk or treating, cars should be socially distanced as well. Maintain at least 6 feet of distance between you and other trick or treaters as well as homeowners. Exploring socially distanced experiences is a good idea even when it’s not Halloween.
- Keep Your Party Small – Big parties are usually great. But when trick or treating during COVID, this is not always the case. Therefore, one of the Halloween safety tips involves limiting the size of your group. Ideally, only two or three friends should go around from house to house. This is one situation when less is definitely more.
- Select the Houses You Visit – Going to every house in the neighborhood is probably a risk you don’t want to take. But you can stack the odds in your favor by trick or treating at homes of close friends and family. In doing so, you still enjoy the experience of trick or treating during COVID. But your chances of being exposed is significantly less.
- Sanitize Between Houses – One of the most important Halloween safety tips is to sanitize in between houses when trick or treating during COVID. Just as you would after the grocery store or other destinations, treat every stop like a new outing. This not only helps protect you but also those you visit as well.
- Only Individually Wrapped Treats – Whether receiving or giving, only individually wrapped treats should be considered. Reaching into an open bowl full of candies is a definite no-no. Some people may choose to do this on their own by creating individual trick or treat bags. If so, be sure to sanitize the packaging once you’re home before eating.
- Glove It Up – If you’re trick or treating during COVID, you might want to consider wearing gloves to reduce your risk. If you’re staying at home offering goodies, however, this is strongly encouraged. This is another one of the Halloween safety tips that protect both your and others.
- Don’t Linger on the Doorstep – In normal times, hanging out of the porch admiring costumes and having conversation is part of the fun. But these aren’t normal times. Limiting face-to-face time is important to reduce potential exposure. Likewise, not lingering around makes it easier for other groups to socially distance.
- No Candy Eating Along the Way – Even if you’re sanitizing between houses, eating candy along the way is not advised. One of the recommended Halloween safety tips is to wait until you’re back home and able to sanitize everything. This includes yourself! Unfortunately, trick or treating during COVID requires some extra patient in order to be safe.
- Stay Home If Ill – This is good advice even during non-COVID times. If you’re feeling ill or sick, it’s important to stay home. Interacting with others could put them at risk for getting ill as well. And if you think you might have COVID symptoms, contact your physician immediately. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Great Alternatives to Trick or Treating
Trick or treating during COVID won’t be for everyone. In high risk areas and those who are at high risk, avoiding trick or treating altogether is strongly encouraged. But fortunately, there are a number of fun activities that are safe and still let you enjoy this spooky holiday. In fact, they might just turn into family rituals and traditions in time. Here are just a few good ideas that you might want to consider instead of trick or treating during COVID.
- Hold a virtual costume party
- Attend an outdoor, socially distanced costume parade
- Have a family movie night with spooky Halloween movies
- Hold a home scavenger hunt with treats and goodies
- Do a family bake night for Halloween treats
- Have a virtual pumpkin carving competition
Halloween Safety Tips Make Halloween More Enjoyable
Whether you go trick or treating or not during COVID, Halloween safety tips are important. This year has been filled with many unexpected pressures, and being safe offers some reassurances. As a result, you’ll be better able to enjoy this festive time with your family by taking a few smart precautions. The pandemic has been scary enough, and there’s no need to take unnecessary risks. It’s time to enjoy some fun “scary” this Halloween season. By considering the above Halloween safety tips, you will be better able to do just that.
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