Communities throughout the U.S. are facing one of the biggest challenges they have ever known. Without question, the COVID-19 pandemic took all of us by surprise. Over 1 million people have now been infected, while over 30 million Americans have filed for unemployment. And social restrictions continue to impact the way we go about our everyday lives. Understanding this, community support is desperately needed in many parts of the country. And each are desperately seeking coronavirus help to allow them to survive in these tough times.
On May the 5th, many people would usually be celebrating Cinco de Mayo each year. But this year, with the COVID-19 pandemic, May 5th means something different. This year, the day has been relabeled as “Giving Tuesday” in an effort to encourage community support. Though Giving Tuesday traditionally occurs the week after Thanksgiving, the current situation calls for change. Coronavirus help is needed, and communities need specific assistance in key areas. If you are looking to give back to your community, here are 5 important needs where most are seeking help.

Coronavirus Help for Local Food Banks
Food banks serve an important role when it comes to community support in fighting hunger. Underprivileged individuals and families rely on these services to survive in many instances. But with the current COVID-19 pandemic, many food banks are experiencing shortages. Foods at grocery stores are in greater demand with community lockdowns. Food processing plants and manufacturing centers have reduced their staff. And the ability to shift restaurant supply chains to grocery outlets difficult. All of this has resulted in a need for coronavirus help for these organizations. Therefore, one way to give back to your community during this time is direct donations and support for local food banks. Likewise, supporting services like meals-on-wheels, invisible hands, and other charitable food organizations are great ways to provide community support.
Community Support for Homeless Shelters
With many people struggling to make ends meet, homeless populations are also facing tremendous challenges. Traditional lines of community support for many homeless shelters is therefore lacking. In addition, many homeless shelters struggle with implementing social distancing policies, which further complicates things. Because of this, many homeless shelters need coronavirus help during this time. Seeking local shelters in your community to identify their specific needs is another way to give back during the pandemic. This may involve volunteering to help out, or it may involve food and other charitable donations. Given that homelessness numbers are likely to rise, this is another important area of community support need.
Social Services Community Support
When it comes to community social services, these play a tremendous part in community health. This was true even before the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc throughout the world. Now, social services need coronavirus help in arranging housing, healthcare access, and other income services for targeted populations. You may therefore choose to participate or donate to Habitat for Humanity and their Emergency Housing Response. Or you can contact your local public health department to identify financial and volunteer needs that they may have. Without question, these will be ongoing community support needs for most areas.
Coronavirus Help for Healthcare Workers
Healthcare workers have emerged as the bold heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic. From first responders to hospital staff, these individuals place themselves at risk while helping others. These individuals also make up of an important part of your community in need of support. Coronavirus help for healthcare workers can involve a number of activities. This includes buying meals or groceries for healthcare workers and their families. You also may also offer your Airbnb rental to someone who doesn’t wish to expose their family to the virus. If this is appealing, contact your local hospitals and health centers for information about local community support. Or contact nonprofits like Frontline Foods or Off Their Plate for a broader way of giving back to these essential workers.
Small Business and Service Staff
Among some of the hardest hit in this COVID-19 crisis has been small businesses, restaurants, and bars. Without foot traffic many local retailers have struggled to make ends meet with online sales. And with most states restricting service industry businesses, many have been forced to lay off staff. Therefore, this represents another area where community support is needed. Coronavirus help funds have been established in many communities to assist small businesses. Likewise, some have created virtual tip jars where service staff can receive donations directly. Naturally, supporting local businesses online or through takeout delivery remains important. But check with your local chamber of commerce and favorite establishments to see what options exist. This may make a tremendous difference for many such small businesses in your community.
Overcoming the COVID-19 Crisis Together
The above areas of community support are those that commonly need assistance in most towns and cities. But naturally, different communities will have more specific areas where coronavirus help is needed. Understanding this, mutual aid networks have also been formed to better distribute contributions and donations to these precise areas. Mutual aid networks consist of multiple communities that strive to help one another through sharing. Needs for food, medicines, sanitization products, and other materials are identified. Then, these networks distribute them to communities with the greatest need. Several of these networks exist with select ones focusing on local areas, student needs, and more.
Naturally, you will know better what your specific community support needs are. Many are in need of coronavirus help, but specific areas where help is desired can vary. Different communities have been affected in different ways. Likewise, preexisting situations also affected which areas deserve the most attention now. Regardless, offering support is important, and providing local coronavirus help will undoubtedly strengthen your community. In doing so, you will greatly improve others’ chance of success as life eventually returns to some degree of normalcy.