The statistics aren’t pretty. Nearly one in six Americans face “food insecurity.” That translates into about 46 million people struggling with hunger. That’s a lot and serves as a reminder that despite all the luxuries innovation has brought us, there are still some who aren’t getting enough. What can one person do to help tackle such a big problem? Enter: TangoTab, an app that turns dining out into donating a meal to someone who desperately needs it.
How TangoTab Works
TangoTab is the first of its kind: a mobile application that allows you to donate a meal to the hungry for every meal you dine out. And given that restaurants across the U.S. serve one billion meals, TangoTab has the potential to provide for millions of people who are desperate to find food. The organization has already donated over three million meals. So, how does it work?
If you want to give, check TangoTab’s free app for participating restaurants. As soon as you get to the restaurant, check in through the app and the restaurant will donate money to pay for one meal to feed someone in need. Since TangoTab is currently in partnership with over 100,000 restaurants across the United States and Canada, most well-known restaurants are putting forth their best efforts to carry out TangoTab’s mission.
If a restaurant you know wants to participate, TangoTab makes it easy to add them. If you would like to find out more about how TangoTab donates food, you can read more here.
When You Eat, They Eat
TangoTab cares about helping, and they use an effective food partnering solution to ensure the donated food is full of fresh fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Some of their largest suppliers, like Angel House Soup Kitchen, the Stewpot, and Big Tex Urban Farms, are organizations that strive to end hunger as well.
However, TangoTab does more than donate a meal. They also have community service programs such as Feed The City and Farm The City. Feed the City enables volunteers to start food drives in their local communities. TangoTab currently offers more than 20 Feed The City opportunities across America each month. You can visit their website to see if any of these events are happening near you. Farm The City helps volunteers plant community farms and gardens to create a steady supply of food for the local community. To this date, Farm the City has grown and harvested over 10,000 pounds of food.
And lastly, if you want to challenge your friends, team, or coworkers, TangoTab offers a competitive fundraiser called the TangoTab Challenge, a challenge to see who can raise the most money for donations. This is similar to a canned food drive, however, instead of donating canned foods, you are donating through your meals dined out. You set up the teams, and TangoTab will create a landing page which displays your team’s logo and a leaderboard displaying how much money each team is raising (as well as how much each individual is raising).
While many across the country have no worries about where their next meal will come from, the harsh truth is that there are still millions who go hungry a few nights a week. Many organizations understand this issue and do whatever they can to put an end to hunger. But few organizations make donating food as easy and accessible as TangoTab. With just the download of an app and the push of a button, TangoTab allows you to turn your restaurant meal into a meal for someone who does not have access to food every day.