Have you ever forgotten where you left your keys? Have you ever walked into a room and couldn’t remember what you were looking for? If this is a random occurrence, then you probably have nothing to worry about. But if it’s happening more frequently than you like, Dr. Steven Masley suggests it may be due to cognitive dysfunction. Better known as brain fog, cognitive dysfunction is becoming increasingly more common today. Project Bold Life had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Dr. Masley about brain health and more specifically his new book, The Better Brain Solution. Throughout the interview and in his book, Dr. Masley offers great insights into how to make your brain healthier in your pursuit of a bold life.
Watch the full interview:
Brain Fog—A Growing Epidemic in the World
According to Dr. Steven Masley, two major epidemics exist in the world today that are underappreciated…diabetes and disabling memory loss. Interestingly, over the last few decades, both conditions have increased. A major reason for this involves lifestyle choices. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and exposure to a host of toxins are among some of the more common culprits. But there is hope…
It is well recognized that a healthy lifestyle can prevent many diseases and illnesses. But in addition, making good choices about how you live can also substantially reverse many health conditions. Dr. Masley has helped thousands cure their Type 2 diabetes and hundreds eliminate brain fog with his 30-day program to a better brain.
The Better Brain Solution— 5 Bold Life Steps for Better Health
“A bold life really means we feel fantastic at work and at play. It means we have purpose, we have challenge, and we have optimal health. All of these things are an important part of having a bold life.” – Dr. Steven Masley
In The Better Brain Solution, Dr. Masley describes five practical steps to a better brain. The following are key insights that Dr. Masley highlighted during his recent conversation with Project Bold Life.
Better Food
When it comes to a better brain and better health, choosing healthy foods is only part of the solution. Foods that are important to include are whole, organic foods in addition to those offering a variety of plant pigments. Likewise, olive oils, nuts, and cold-water fish (high in omega-s3s) are important. You should avoid some unhealthy foods as well— sugars, starches and refined carbs—as they make our brains “slower.”
Better Nutrients
Getting healthy nutrients from our diet is great; but often, some important nutrients may be lacking in our diet. Dr. Masley notes that Vitamin D, B complex vitamins, magnesium, and probiotics are important supplements to consider. These and omega-3s can certainly lead to a better brain.
Better Activity
When it comes to activity, both strength training and aerobics help you have a better brain. In addition, healthy activities to prevent and reverse brain fog also involve mental exercises. Pursuing new mental activities that challenge you are important, such as learning a new language. According to Dr. Masley, the more active we perform in each of these areas, the better our brains will be.
Better Stress Management
When we’re stressed, our bodies tend to produce higher amounts of cortisol. Unfortunately, according to Dr. Masley, this hormone tends to cause brain fog and makes our brain cells shrink. Therefore, the better we manage our stress, the better brain function we will enjoy. In addition to diet and exercise, brief meditation every day can do wonders to help manage our stress.
Better Toxin Avoidance
Toxins are everywhere today. Therefore, avoiding them is a necessary activity if we want a better brain. For example, big-mouth fish like grouper, bass, and snapper can contain a high amount of mercury. Processed deli meats often have nitrates and nitric oxides. And meats, poultry, and dairy can contain pesticide residues or metabolites. Avoiding these substances are important in our efforts to eliminate brain fog and other health conditions.
Better Brain, Better Health, Bolder Life
According to Dr. Steven Masley, the key to a better brain is a holistic health process. When we choose healthy lifestyle practices in several areas instead of just one, the benefits are exponential. Not only will our memory be better, but we will enjoy more energy, better sleep, and an active libido. And these benefits can occur in as little as 30 days! Dr. Masley’s insights into a better brain offer broader health advantages. And having great health is essential for living your boldest life possible.