As the number of cases of coronavirus rise throughout the country, many are having to deal with COVID-19 at home. Fortunately, many of the cases of coronavirus are mild. But that isn’t always the case, and it’s important to know the dos and don’ts. The goal is to do those things that promote coronavirus recovery as quickly as possible. And likewise, it’s important to know when to seek urgent care and when you can manage COVID-19 at home. With a few key pointers, the following can help guide you in making wise choices in your efforts.
First Things First – Know When to Seek Help
COVID-19 can affect many different parts of the body. You are probably aware that the disease often affects the lungs. Likewise, it routinely causes common viral symptoms like fever, muscle aches, stomach troubles and even loss of smell and taste. But it also can involve the nervous system and brain as well as the heart. Therefore, the specific symptoms you experience during your coronavirus recovery may vary significantly.
Though most people can manage COVID-19 at home, some require urgent attention. Understanding that, a few warning signs and symptoms should prompt you to call your doctor or provider. Specifically, you should seek immediate attention if you are having trouble breathing. This is particularly true if your lips, toes, or fingers begin to have a bluish appearance. Other symptoms that warrant urgent attention also include chest pain, confusion, or excessive sleepiness. If there’s any question, be sure to give your doctor a call.

Tips for a Safe Coronavirus Recovery at Home
Even if you don’t have coronavirus symptoms, you may still want to prepare ahead of time. This will make it easier for you to manage your COVISD-19 at home. Basic supplies will include a thermometer, tissues, hydration fluids, and any over-the-counter medication you may want. Also, to avoid contact with others, you may want some non-perishable healthy groceries on hand. And of course, plenty of gloves, masks and sanitizer products. In addition to this, the following are 8 tips you will want to follow in managing your COVID-19 at home.
Rest is Best
With any infection, your body’s immune system is hard at work to help you get better. As a result, it’s important to rest so your immune system can do its thing. Though you may have work demands or deadlines, you should focus on your health. Rest is therefore encouraged and will help speed your coronavirus recovery.
Hydration is Important
In many instances, people with coronavirus experience fevers. The higher body temperature causes you to need more fluids, and therefore, hydration is essential. When managing COVID-19 at home, avoid caffeinated and sugary beverages. That includes things like sodas, some juices, and coffee. Instead, drink plenty of water and electrolyte drinks like Pedialyte. These will help you hydrate most effectively.
Controlling Your Fever
Your body’s temperature climbs with infections as part of its defense mechanisms. But excessive fever can be uncomfortable and at times counterproductive. In choosing medication to manage your fever, acetaminophen is preferred for coronavirus recovery. Ibuprofen, though effective, is currently not recommended for this specific viral infection.
Cough Remedies
If your cough is a wet cough, then an over-the-counter decongestant may be helpful. But if you have a dry cough, cough suppressants are a better choice. This combined with humified air is encouraged when managing COVID-19 at home. Many times, your doctor may need to prescribe a cough suppressant if over-the-counter remedies fail to help.
Managing Nausea
Nausea and vomiting are troubling in many ways. Nausea is naturally uncomfortable, but it can also prevent you from eating and holding down fluids. If you are unable to manage nausea with your diet or with over-the-counter meds, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor. He or she can prescribe a more potent antiemetic. This can be an important part of accelerating your coronavirus recovery.
Breathing Well
If you’re having trouble breathing, then urgent care is encouraged. But there are other strategies to help your breathing when managing COVID-19 at home. Slow deep breaths, humidified air, and fresh air have helped many people with coronavirus. Hot, steamy showers may also help as well. Making these practices routine throughout your day can also help with your coronavirus recovery. And if this fails, talk with your doctor about an inhaler as alternative.
Addressing Anxieties
It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious and worried when you’re dealing with COVID-19 at home. You may be isolated, and you may be seeing worrisome news reports about coronavirus statistics. Therefore, try performing exercises that can reduce your worries. Meditation, mindfulness practices, and calming activities can help. Likewise, talking with a friend or family member may also be of benefit. In most cases, these are quire effective.
Keeping Your Distance
If you have the coronavirus infection, you will naturally need to isolate yourself from others. In total, you should self-isolate for 14 days from the onset of symptoms. Request deliveries whenever possible, wash laundry and dishes well, and avoid guests and friends. And for family members, stay 6 feet away while encouraging everyone to wear masks and gloves. These will help keep everyone safe while speeding your coronavirus recovery.
What to Expect for a Coronavirus Recovery
Some people hardly have any symptoms while others are profoundly affected. Likewise, some people have only a couple of days’ worth of symptoms while others have weeks to months of discomfort. Understanding these natural variations in coronavirus recovery, most people are better in a week or so. The course is notably erratic for most, feeling good one minute and horrible the next. But with proper care, most people can successfully manage their COVID-19 at home. For them, they will likely return to their normal activities once their self-isolation is over. Prevention remains the best strategy. But the tips provided can help you improve as fast as possible if you must deal with COVID-19 at home.