Welcome to a three-part series on quick self-improvement goals. January may be the time for resolutions for most people, but the path to self-improvement can begin any time, so why not do something to better yourself this fall?
The first suggestion: curbing that coffee addiction.
In today’s world of fast-paced living, having a cup of coffee to start the day can do wonders for one’s psyche. But what happens when you have it a bit too much? Caffeine addiction is widespread, with caffeine being one of the most used drugs worldwide. More and more adults are depending on coffee each day, so maybe it’s time to find a better way to give yourself a boost in the morning or afternoon? At the very least, curbing that coffee addiction is healthier option.
(Change the world through acts of kindness–read how in this Project Bold Life story!)
The Coffee Addiction Controversy
Caffeine dependency and other drug habits share numerous similarities, but many healthcare officials argue its qualifications as an actual addiction. The controversy around coffee addiction has been going on for years, as experts claim the differences in how addictive substances like Cocaine stimulate the part of the brain related to reward and motivation at a much higher level than caffeine.
Although drinking caffeine-based drinks such as coffee offers lower stimulation to one’s cognitive function, the overconsumption of these products by the public shows otherwise. Due to people’s consistent intake of coffee, caffeine works as fast as other drugs when affecting and changing the brain’s gray matter. In addition, numerous studies in the past decades noted coffee addiction’s long-term effects on adults’ memory functions.
Every day, around 90% of Americans drink coffee and other caffeine-based products. In addition, 8% of coffee drinkers meet the diagnostic criteria for caffeine addiction. In recent years, coffee dependency among working adults in the U.S. rapidly increases, and more health experts are finding them as problematic as other addictive substances.
The Matcha Fever
Although the rising number of coffee addicts in the US is becoming a health issue, many people and experts have been looking into possible ways to cut coffee addiction. One of them is by taking the Matcha alternative approach.
Matcha, a powder from ground green tea leaves, is popular in Japan, especially for traditional tea ceremonies. It has also been a well-liked drink in other Asian countries for centuries. In addition, many studies show that this drink has a high therapeutic potential that coffee can’t offer consumers.
But what makes Matcha the best alternative to coffee is its content. Matcha not only has higher caffeine levels of at least 8 ounces per drink, but the tea also contains an amino acid called L-theanine. Due to the combination of the two, matcha drinkers can have sustained energy for the day without crashing or jittering. Matcha’s health benefits also ensure that drinkers can get the kick they need to start their days without its consumption affecting their health.
Coffee and Matcha also have similar benefits as they’re rich in antioxidants, help drinkers focus, be more productive, and provide additional energy. The difference is that Matcha doubles it, making it a better choice.
“Studies confirming the high antioxidant potential of tea beverages claim that it originates from the considerable content of catechins, a type of phenolic compound with beneficial effects on human health. Due to its potential for preventing many diseases and supporting cognitive function, regular consumption of matcha may have a positive effect on both physical and mental health.” – Joanna Kochman, Department of Human Nutrition and Metabolomics, Pomeranian Medical University
How to Cut Coffee Addiction the Matcha Way
You can curb your coffee addiction through Matcha in several ways. That’s also a point that makes drinkers prefer this tea over other caffeine alternatives. Here are some tips you can follow when switching from coffee to Matcha and its health benefits you should take note of. Transitioning from espressos, iced coffees, and lattes to Matcha tea can be challenging for long-time coffee drinkers. But due to the latter’s versatility, people can enjoy the transition besides drinking tea.
A Cup of Matcha
Start replacing your morning coffee with a cup of Matcha. Some find the effects of the tea faster and won’t require another cup for the day, but if you still feel lacking energy, add another cup or two of the tea during the day.
Matcha Smoothies
Adding Matcha to smoothies can also help you familiarize yourself with the taste. Depending on the recipe, Matcha smoothies can provide energy and proteins. They’re also perfect for people who want to fill their stomachs quickly. Banana oatmeal Matcha smoothies are a favorite for a fulfilling but healthy breakfast, and gym goers can add the powder with their workout smoothies for that much-needed caffeine kick.
Sweets with Matcha
People who love sweets can also enjoy caffeine and sugar in one eating with Matcha powder. Like any popular coffee-based sweets, you can add Matcha to any pancake, cookie, or cake recipe. They help balance the sweetness of the pastries and desserts and help people enjoy sweets guilt-free during their diets.
Matcha for Nursing and Pregnant Women
Many health experts suggest nursing and pregnant women cut off caffeine intake as it can negatively affect milk production and fetal development. Due to this, many mothers and expecting women abruptly stop drinking coffee, which can make them experience slight caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
But with Matcha, these women can still have their usual caffeine intake without the consequences of coffee during pregnancy and nursing. Unlike caffeine in coffee, the ones in Matcha help increase milk production, while the L-theanine amino acid aids in relaxing the mother and baby.
Don’t forget the book that lays out the principles of goal-achievement and attaining a Bold Life!