Seven Lifestyle Changes to Make in 2024 for Bold Living

Lifestyle Changes to Make in 2024 in blocks and a heart

Everyone wants to live bold, and that’s especially true whenever a new year rolls around. But it can be tough to implement changes when you’re not sure where to start. That’s why Project Bold Life has compiled a list of seven lifestyle changes to make in 2024–because we’re here to help!

(What are some health trends to watch for in the coming year? PBL has got you covered!)

1.   Get Some Decent ZZZs

Many people add prioritizing self-care to their New Year’s resolutions, and there are many ways people can incorporate them into their daily habits. One of the best self-care changes to make in 2024 is to get decent sleep.

The body requires rest and recharge. Sleep provides the time the cells can regenerate and reorganize, especially the neurons, which power naps couldn’t offer. Taking a long, deep sleep helps the system clear out waste from the central nervous system and the memory immunity strong.

Medical experts recommend adults get at least seven hours of sleep every night. Anything less and it could be sleep deficiency. But several studies have shown that many people worldwide suffer from insufficient sleep, which leads to numerous diseases like diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular problems. In addition, people suffering from regular lack of sleep are more prone to mental health disorders.

Prioritizing sleep is an essential part of self-care, and the best way to do it is to stabilize the circadian rhythm. Following a time to sleep and wake up helps your circadian rhythm set deeper and more comfortable sleeping cycles, making you feel refreshed and energized.

2.   Start Hydrating More

Lifestyle Changes to Make in 2024 include kicking giant cigarettes
Some lifestyle changes to make in 2024 including cutting out the stuff that’s bad for you and drinking more water.

Drinking more water might be the easiest daily wellness habit to practice, but it is also the easiest thing to forget and push through for most people. More than two-thirds of the human body is water, which makes hydrating regularly more significant. Drinking water helps flush wastes and other toxins and controls the body’s temperature.

In addition, one study showed that staying hydrated maximizes one’s physical performance. It reduces oxidative stress during high-intensity exercises, keeps the joints lubricated, and even acts as the spine’s shock absorber, which lessens the risks of injuries and muscle strains.

Practice building healthier habits on hydration by carrying a reusable water bottle with you. Instead of carbonated, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks, sip on water to get your body’s daily water intake.


(Stay hydrated throughout the day with a durable and stylish Hydro Flask water bottle.)

3.   Reconnect with Nature

One of the many wellness and lifestyle trends people should start making a habit of is reconnecting with nature. In the past few years, a few studies showed that spending time in nature provides numerous health benefits.

Due to society’s modern and technology-driven lifestyle, getting into nature could be the best counterbalance to the stressors people get from the screens daily. Time outdoors with nature improves cognitive function and lowers the risk of mental illnesses. In addition, spending an hour walking in the park or hiking during weekends helps make one fit and healthy.

4.   Meditation

The modern, fast-paced living can be too much for one’s mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Although a person could be physically fit, without the balance of their mental, emotional, and spiritual states, their health is still at risk. Meditating can help you find the balance you need for your overall well-being.

Meditation reduces stress and boosts mental health. It also gives people the time to tune away earthly concerns, focus on reconnecting with themselves, and improve their quality of life. In addition, meditation practices offer clarity, which helps in people’s performance at work or school.

5.   Work on Improving and Making Connections

Although old and repetitive, no man is an island, especially in this modern, digital living. More people are spending their time glued to their screens that they lose sight of their connections outside of it.

Improving and making social connections is one of the best lifestyle changes to make in 2024. Face-to-face interactions and quality time with friends and family are essential to healthy mental well-being. Forging these connections and making them strong provides you with a corner of emotional support. In addition, they reduce loneliness, improve moods, and help you gain a more positive outlook in life.

a woman about to run into 2024
Start your 2024 off right with some positive changes.

6.   Digital Detox

Engaging in routine digital detoxes is a daily habit more people should practice in 2024. More people spend more time on their screens than sleeping and eating combined. Setting time per week to disconnect from your digital devices can do wonders for your mental health.

Give yourself time unplugged from the digital world and focus on improving your well-being and social connections. Quality time, meaningful conversations, or time alone with nature can reduce stress, improve sleep, and balance your life.

(Looking for tools to track your fitness progress? The Fitbit Inspire 3 is a great way to monitor your activity, sleep, and wellness goals.)

7.   Discover New Hobbies and Interests

Not all changes require sacrifices, especially when stuck to the same routine. Make a point to discover new hobbies and interests that you could add to your daily schedule. It could be anything that gives you joy and fulfillment, like learning soccer, playing board games with friends and family, or traveling to other places.

The point is to get you moving and keep you interested. Exploring new things helps alleviate stress, find more fulfillment, and boost mental health.



Don’t forget the book that lays out the principles of goal-achievement and attaining a Bold Life!

About the Author

Through timely and thoughtful articles, the book Project Bold Life: The Proven Formula to Take on Challenges and Achieve Happiness and Success, and other media, we deliver engaging content that educates, motivates and inspires you to live a Bold Life.
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